Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summary of Zackary

I'm eventually going to transfer all the post from my other blog over here bc they give more detail

Zackary Michael was born on November 21, 2008 at 7:33pm via c section.
He weighed 6lbs 6oz and was 18 inches long.

He was fairly healthy other then common colds.

He was diagnosed with a PDA (hole in his heart) at 9 months old.
We were sent to a Pediatric Cardiologist who he was seen every 6 months since then.

In Jan of 2010, His ped referred us to Family & Children Connections for a Evaluation on his development. Because he was doing things later then what the Dr thought he should be doing it. He didn't sit up til he was 7 months old. Didn't start crawling until he was 9 months old. He finally started walking at 2. He just started talking here lately.

In Feb of 2010 we were sent to St Louis Children's Hospital for our initial visit.
(I'll post the letter that I recieved from them in another post)

After our first visit with STLCH, we were admitted a month later for 5 days.
They ran all sorts of test, with no answers on what is causing all of his problems.
*lack of gaining weight, failure to thrive, not baring weight on legs, discolorization of legs&feet* jus to name a few.

6 month into going to STLCH every month, we still didn't have any answers.
They were acting as if they weren't going to do anything else.

I came to his Ped, with my concern. He said that we would try other children's hospital.
This is when we were referred to Riley's Children Hospital in Indianapolis.
Our first visit was in June of 2010, we have only seen them again once.

So here we are at other children's hospital. Children's Memorial in Chicago.
We had out first visit on June 3rd, 2011
I'll post about that next post.


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