Saturday, June 4, 2011


Zack's Drs appt

Had to take Mr. Zackary to the Ped today for a growth check.

Its been a little over a month since we have seen Dr. H. to see how things are progressing with Zackary.

Weight - 8.4 - Up 3oz in a lil over a month.

Height - 27 inches. - Up a 1/2 inch in a lil over a month.

He said that he was going to try to call Rileys when we left there, then he changed his mind and went to call them while we were still in the office. The Dr that we seen wasn't in the office today so her assistant took the call and said that she would have Dr. B call Dr. H as soon as she got in the office on Monday. He said that he wants to find out their next plan of action when it comes to the care of Zackary. He then said that if he wasn't happy with the plan of action that he would be sending us to another hospital to get answers on what is going on with Zackary. The next opition as far as hospitals go is in Chicago which is about a 3 hour drive for us.

He is still puking. Not as much as he usually does, but the last couple of days he has bc once again he's got a runny nose and is congested. Seems like it will go away for a couple of days then its back. Dr. H. said that it must be something virual and to let it suns the course. Just keep an eye on him. He's still on his Zinc. We went to pick it up today and the Walgreens (35 minutes away) that I called it in to didn't have it and had no clue where it went. So after calling our towns Walgreens we found out that someone that lives here and works that the Walgreens that fills it has brought it to us to pick up and never called us.

I've cried so many tears for the last 7 months that I didn't think that I could cry over this anymore. But I once again broke down in the office today while talking to Dr. H. I just don't know what to do anymore. I know I have to be strong. But I want to completely shut down for a few days but I can't. I have to be able to hold it together not only for Zackary but for Saira & Joshua. They know when I'm upset and usually the first words out of their mouths when I cry is " Mommy, I wish you didn't cry bc Zack is sick" it breaks my heart that they already know that there is something wrong with their baby brother. I mean I know that they are both smart but who would have thought that they would sponge up my feelings and everytime we talk about Zackary's health problems


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